Thursday, October 1, 2015

And now, an unexpected guest posting from my friend and co-worker Joe Shewfelt:

My nephew Mark’s kid Brock bought a small farm near Anola Manitoba last year and moved there with his other half, who had a ready-made family of two boys. They have to wait in pretty nasty weather for the school bus so Mark and Brock built them this:

Pretty cool, eh? I’m proud of them.
 - Joe

As a postscript to this posting, impressed though I was by the TARDIS bus shelter, to my educated eye there was one glaring omission:  the iconic POLICE TELEPHONE sign that should appear on the door.

Realizing that Joe might not even recognize this problem, let alone know how to solve it, I took the liberty of finding a source for police box door signage, and chipped in ten bucks - I think it's very important to support the arts.
- Sid

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