Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Ready Player One: Life Imitates Art.

While I was working away at my desk today, I heard my office mate explaining to a disapproving IT representative that they keep their password on a Post-It™ note on their monitor just for convenience, and that really, no one could do anything with it anyway.

I cheerfully contributed that in Ready Player One, the villain keeps HIS password on a Post-It™ note in his VR module, and as such the good guys are able to hack into his system and do all kinds of things that he doesn't want them to.

Apparently this didn't help, but I felt that it had to be said.

- Sid

P.S. Given the heavily referential nature of the movie, it's a shame that after Wade Watts meets Sorrento, the aforementioned villain who is played by Ben Mendelsohn, he didn't say "And he looks just like the bad guy in that Star Wars spinoff prequel movie!"  Okay, it's really more of a Deadpool thing to break the fourth wall, but still.

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