Saturday, March 29, 2014

Time After Time.


After finding the quantum sphere from Continuum at lunch a couple of weeks ago, I dutifully sent the requested location selfie with time machine off to Todd Ireland, the show's Social Media Coordinator, with the following comment:
Obviously the coolest thing I’ve ever found at lunch. 
A long echoing silence followed. Which, to be honest, didn't bother me too much, since I was a little concerned that Mr. Ireland would either ask for his sphere back, or request that I find a new spot for it someplace else in the Greater Vancouver Region.

To my mild surprise, the following e-mail appeared in my In box on Friday:
From: Todd Ireland
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:58:14
To:  The Infinite Revolution
Subject: Re: Quantum sphere, as requested.

Wow! I have no idea how I missed this email in my inbox!!!!
I just happened to be going through my emails to see if I missed anything in the last few weeks and found this.
So happy that you found it!
Can you tell us a little bit about how you found it...
Do you watch the show?
May I use your name and photo in our Twitter feed and Facebook page?
Awesome and congrats!
Hold on to that sucker cause it's rare!
Todd Ireland
Script coordinator
Social Media Coordinator
Continuum Season 3
The good news is that Todd doesn't need me to put the quantum sphere back into circulation, which is a huge bonus - it's obviously an incredibly cool thing for a science fiction fan to have.  Thanks very much, Todd!
 - Sid

P.S. The photocomp image at the start just isn't quite making it for me, so, in violation of ongoing policy, there's a good chance I'll change that in the near future - time machine pun not intended.


  1. I think they can part with one ball.

  2. I also received a 500+ spike in blog visits over a fifteen minute span when Todd posted the link to my posting about the quantum sphere.
    - Sid
