Saturday, June 26, 2010

Time to get your geek on.

Once again Jody the Demon Child has sent me a link to something sufficiently interesting and unique that I've broken my rule about not posting links to outside sites.  In this case, it's the Geek Art web site, which is filled with links to great non-traditional artistic takes on a wide range of comic book, video game and genre movie material. There are samples of movie monsters as Marilyn Monroe, Darth Vader on the toilet, ATilla the pet AT-AT, the Wolverine alphabet, and on and on and on.

Of course, the joke is that Geek-Art is just a collection of links to cool stuff - does this mean I've broken my rule twice?
- Sid

Gnomic statements.

Something old;
Something new;
Something borrowed;
...something blue.
- Sid

P.S. Mr. and Mrs. Pond don't sound all that Scottish, do they?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Although it would cause problems with the spinoffs.

I download episodes of Doctor Who as they are broadcast in England, which gives me a two week lead over people here who are watching the 11th Doctor's adventures on the Space channel.  I find this two-week lead amusing - it's a bit like being a time traveller.

This week, the BBC broadcast the penultimate episode of the season.  At the end, the Doctor has been placed in inescapable captivity for all eternity, his companion Amy lies dead amidst the menhirs of Stonehenge, and the TARDIS is about to explode and destroy the fabric of time and space.  In the final shot, we see Earth from space, and all around it the stars are flaring up and then going out like candles in a storm as Time itself ceases to be.

The BBC, in its infinite wisdom, must have felt that the members of its viewing audience needed some reassurance, and as such ended the episode with a polite "TO BE CONTINUED" text slate.  Ah, thank you, BBC.  How good of you to take into account that there might be people watching who would think that you were just going to stop there.  Don't rule that out, though, it certainly would be a comprehensive conclusion to the series - difficult to think of anything more complete than destroying everything and everyone for all time so that nothing had every existed at all.  Take THAT, Lost.
- Sid