Monday, December 14, 2020

Victorious I: Surprise!

Saw some Doctor Who books here that I thought you might like including the Time Lord Victorious. They also have a second release in January. Unfortunately I couldn't buy the items then have them shipped to you so we'll have to do it this way. Enjoy!

- Colin

Dear Colin:

Thank you for the Chapters/Indigo Christmas gift certificate!  (Are there still Chapters, or are they all Indigos?)  How odd that they would be unable to deliver to an alternate address, no offense to Indigo but I can't help but think that the last 10 months would have created some flexibility on the shipping front.

Regardless, I’m happy to make my own selections based on your suggestion about the Time Lord Victorious event. 

Like so many other franchises, the Doctor Who series is enhanced and extended by a wide selection of  additional content in other media such as novels or comic books.  It’s an interesting area for me to explore –  by and large, I don't own a lot of novelizations or adaptations, with a few exceptions like the Star Trek story collections that I purchased in 29 Palms last year.

I’ve been casually aware of Time Lord Victorious, a wide-ranging Doctor Who story set in the Dark Times at the start of the universe.  The storyline is taking place in every media format except on the actual series itself:*  books, computer games, graphic novels, short stories, comics, audio plays, T-shirts, YouTube™ videos, escape rooms, and including the immersive Time Fracture event that's been rescheduled to start next spring.  (Hopefully the delay won't cause narrative gaps.)

Some searching on the internet revealed that the primary Time Lord Victorious story line concentrates on the popular 10th Doctor, but also involves the 8th and 9th Doctors, and features appearances by the 13th and 4th Doctors.  Rather like the reboot tradition of having a plot thread that carries through an entire season and then finds resolution in the final episode, the various media will address different aspects of the story, with a culminating novel that wraps things up.

Armed with the results of my research (and your gift certificate), I went to the Indigo web site and searched for “Doctor Who”.  After being momentarily distracted by the unexpected red herring of Doctors Who Kill, I was presented with the full range of Doctor Who purchasing options. 
As per your e-mail, Time Lord Victorious is a work in progress.  The Defender of the Daleks graphic novel was available, as was The Knight, The Fool and The Dead novel, but the sequel, All Flesh is Grass, wasn't going to be available until the new year.  Regardless, I couldn't think of any reason not to pre-order it - the first time I've ever pre-ordered a book.  And, to fill out the budget and continue my research into the extended Doctor Who universe, I ordered a pair of unrelated Doctor Who novels: Engines of War, featuring the War Doctor, and Combat Magicks, the 13th Doctor story that caught my attention (albeit not in a good way) during a walk through Indigo last fall.
And now we wait...
Thank you again, and merry Christmas!

- Sid

*At least, not part of the actual series as far as I know.  I have no idea what’s queued up for this year’s holiday special or the upcoming 13th season.

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