Monday, December 10, 2012

Preferably later.

 "God, it's the end of the world, and I'm still 15 minutes late." 
Penny, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
By the way, speaking of the end of the world, has anyone heard anything new about December 21st?  You know, when the 13th Mayan b'ak'tun* runs out?  Personally, I'd like some kind of solid information about exactly how the world is going to end, it would be a lot easier to prepare. In fact, other than a few end of the world parties, no one seems to have put a lot of planning into this whole thing - there's been no debt holiday, we haven't been told to stay home from work, and as far as I know there hasn't been a single end of the world riot yet.

For that matter, is anyone still tracking the sinister alien objects that were due to arrive around now?  That whole thing seems to have fallen off the map, which is surprising under the circumstances.  Or has it?  Maybe there's a lot more planning going on than we think...

Seriously though, there's been a number of these apocalyptic predictions over the last few years - you know, purely on a statistical basis, sooner or later one of these clowns is going to be right.
 - Sid

*  Did we all get our Olmec As A Second Language credits at university?


  1. Just a comment, but that calendar looks like what might happen if Cthulhu was sanctioned by Hello Kitty. And yes, I am getting together with a friend for drinks on the 21st. We are most likely not, however, going to watch his 5 hour version of Wim Wender's Until the End of the World...


  2. I thank you, Great C'thulhu thanks you, and Hello Kitty thanks you.

    Watch for these on Etsy!

    - Sid
