Friday, August 13, 2021

Little Conversations: "For Lego Masters?"

The little conversation
Is over very soon
And I watch in admiration
From my corner of the room.

Concrete Blonde, Little Conversations

Personally, I made my decision about Lego fandom in 2013.

- Sid

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Life on Mars.

“We don’t want to be one of those single-planet species. We want to be a multi-planet species.”

- SpaceX founder Elon Musk

NASA has been running Martian mission simulations since 2013 in hopes of determining how an actual mission to the red planet might play out in terms of interpersonal dynamics between a small group of astronauts crammed into a small space for an extended period of time.

Sorry, NASA, but not necessary.  I'm happy to say that during a year and half of work-from-home bubbled lockdown, my wife and I had no problems at all - we worked in different rooms, but we talked regularly, ate lunch together, watched TV, played games, cooked meals, and were perfectly happy in each other's company 24/7.

Sign us up for Mars, Elon... 

- Sid

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sidney 2040.

The small community of Sidney on Vancouver Island has offered an opportunity for countless sight gags over the years since I've moved to British Columbia, and our current visit is no exception.  However, as a science fiction fan, I found the latest photo op to be particularly interesting - how often do you get to ask for input on the future you?  

Admittedly, in 2040 I'll be one year away from 80, so sensible input would probably involve watching my step on icy sidewalks and keeping an eye on my cholesterol levels, but who knows what 2040 will bring? It could just as easily be advice on picking the best bionics for seniors, or who offers the most complete brain transfer into clone bodies, a lot can happen in 20 years.

- Sid