Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Okay, we've all thought about it at least once.

And now, a picture of Princess Leia choking Captain Kirk.  Here's hoping that you all enjoyed the last day of 2013 as much as Carrie Fisher did.
- Sid

P.S.  My god, it's like some kind of war between stars...you could call it a "Stars War"...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Time of the Doctor.

Over the last few years, I've developed a seasonal tradition of watching the Doctor Who Christmas Special. Thanks to the 50th anniversary episode last month, it's been a bit Who heavy here in terms of postings, so I'll be brief about today's episode, which marked Matt Smith's final appearance as the Doctor.

What a stupid, stupid episode. 

Let me know if you have any questions.
- Sid

It was either this or the "Beginning To Look A Lot Like Fishmen" video*.

Hey, everyone, merry Christmas!  Having spent some time catching up on overdue blog postings (and thereby unintentionally irritating my sister, who would prefer that I not save them up - sorry, Dorothy) I thought I should post something suited to the holiday season.  It's not exactly a Christmas carol, but it's at least a seasonal song - sort of.

And again, a merry Christmas to one and all.
- Sid

P.S. My god, have you ever looked at Captain Picard's tea?  I like strong tea, but the liquid in his cup is jet black - it looks like he's drinking Guinness, for heaven's sake, not Earl Grey! How long does the replicator brew this stuff for?

* A very lyrically accurate but badly lip-synced musical version of H.P. Lovecraft's short story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth".