X-Men comics, you know I collect ‘em
The pens in my pocket, I must protect ‘em
My ergonomic keyboard never leaves me bored
Shopping online for deals on some writable media
I edit Wikipedia
I memorized Holy Grail really well
I can recite it right now and have you ROTFLOL
Weird Al Yankovic, White and Nerdy
The response to my request was as follows:
I didn't ask about Mothra on your blog because I didn't want to appear totally ignorant and stupid :-)Sigh...okay, if anyone, ANYONE, reading this thinks that they've understood EVERY SINGLE OBSCURE SCIENCE FICTION FANTASY STAR TREK MONSTER MOVIE DOCTOR WHO COMIC BOOK ZOMBIE TIME TRAVEL PULP MAGAZINE SPACE EXPLORATION VAMPIRE STAR WARS GEEK REFERENCE that I've used on this blog? I strongly recommend that you turn off your computer right now and go out for a walk, get some fresh air, and PUT SOME TIME TOWARD GETTING A LIFE. My god, it's bad enough that I know all of this nonsense, heaven forbid that anyone else should be expected to.
And if you do have any questions? Open up a Comment and ask away.
- Sid