Sunday, December 31, 2017

Let's all just get along, okay?

"Who's the new guy?"

- Sid

P.S. If anyone from Funko™ reads this, it is challenging to get the laser rifle to stay in the Lone Wanderer's hand. CHALLENGING.

Indigo Fail II: Close but no cigar.

She remembered, as every sensible person does, that you should never never shut yourself up in a wardrobe.
 C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Hello again, Indigo.  So I thought to myself, "Wait, maybe they have all of those Narnia books for sale online.  That would be cool, because really, I did like the cover art."

Unfortunately not, as it turns out, but I feel I should point out that Pauline Baynes illustrated the Narnia books rather than wrote them, although I'm sure she'd appreciate the vote of confidence if she were still alive.

I'm a bit sad that no one at Indigo has noticed that this is wrong. It's understandable to me that the people entering data into the catalogue don't necessarily need to know anything about literature, but surely there must be some kind of approval process in place - hopefully involving someone who is paying attention and cares about this sort of thing.

Or not.

- Sid

Indigo Fail I: All for one, one for all.

Hello, Indigo.  Just a quick note - if you want to tempt me into spending $42 on replacing my beloved 37 year old boxed set of Narnia books, which are sadly suffering from split spines and loose pages, you need to have all seven books for sale, not just four.

- Sid

P.S. And you can't even blame this on people buying books because of movies, because then Prince Caspian wouldn't be available, and The Horse and His Boy would.

So there.