Sunday, April 14, 2024

You know, the other kind of gaming bugs.

If I have one complaint about the otherwise stellar Fallout series, it's the lack of monsters. I've spent a lot of time in the Wasteland, and it's a LOT more dangerous than it's portrayed in the show.   We only see two monsters - one yao guai mutant bear, and one gulper, and gulpers aren't even from the original game, they're from the Far Habor expansion pack 

Seriously, where are the Deathclaws, the most iconic danger of the Wasteland?  Or the mirelurks? Why didn't we see a single radscorpion?  Bloatflies, bloodbugs, stingwings - even a mutated mole rat or two would have provided some welcome representation from the regular cast of hazards.  

Season Two will apparently take us to the Mojave Desert, and damn it, I'd like to see some fire ants.  But, I'm willing to be reasonable, they can just leave the cazadors out of the show, or else Lucy and the Ghoul going to need some serious plot armor to survive more than an episode or two.

- Sid

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