Monday, March 4, 2019

The glass will just keep filling up.


I was chatting with my co-worker Wendy this morning and she asked if I was a 90210 fan.  I explained that I was not, but that my wife had already informed me of Luke Perry's premature passing at the age of 52.

Wendy is currently studying to become a personal trainer, and she mentioned that it had come up as part of her course material that there are some people who just have a genetic predilection for problems like strokes, heart attacks, what have some, and some people who just don't.

"Oh well," she concluded, "There's nothing you can do about your DNA."

"Well, not yet," I replied.

Which, really, is the ultimate expression of being a science fiction fan, and one of the things that I most enjoy about science fiction.  There's a kind of optimism to it - yes, there are people who are predicting the apocalypse in 30 years, but really, science fiction suggests that there will be a future, and that we will be in it.  And,  that hopefully we will be able to solve some of the problems that we just have to accept right now, like dying of a stroke when you're 52.
- Sid

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