Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.I recently had one of those moments of mild panic when I thought to myself, "Wait, I haven't heard anything about the premiere date for Doctor Who this year - my goodness, did I miss it?"
James 1:2-4
A little research revealed that there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I haven't missed the start of this year's episodes. The bad news? There won't be any episodes this year.*
Excuse me?
Okay, here's the deal. Steven Moffat, who took over as showrunner from Russell Davies in 2009, is in the process of handing the baton over to his replacement, series writer and long-time Whovian Chris Chibnall (who scripted 42, The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, The Power of Three and the YouTube short series Pond Life.) Chibnall was also the co-producer and unofficial head writer for the Doctor Who spinoff Torchwood. 2017 will be Moffat's last season, and Chibnall will take over in 2018.
Which is all very well and good, but what does this have to do with the lack of episodes in 2016?
There was some discussion during 2015 that Season 10 might end up being a bit shorter or delayed which, interestingly, Steven Moffat vehemently denied at the time. However, since then, Mr. Moffat has changed his tune, and in January of this year announced his upcoming departure, along with the dearth of Doctor Who episodes in 2016.
I've seen some speculation suggesting that the hiatus is so that details of the handoff can be all worked out, but the official explanation is more peculiar. The BBC, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that it has enough interesting television for 2016, and as such had better save something for next year. To quote BBC1 controller Charlotte Moore:
“I have decided to schedule Steven’s big finale series in Spring 2017 to bring the nation together for what will be a huge event on the channel. 2016 is spoilt with national moments including the Euros and Olympics and I want to hold something big back for 2017 – I promise it will be worth the wait!”Sigh...Charlotte, let me explain something to you. People like me watch Doctor Who because we DON'T want to watch things like the Olympics or the European footie championships. Why in the world would you decide to deprive us of what we like just because there's a bunch of sports happening this year? I will bet good money that you're not dumping the Premier League next year in favour of the Doctor - why are we being punished?
Someone recently asked me to explain the popularity of Doctor Who. I replied that Doctor Who has become the last refuge of the hard core geek - franchises like Star Wars and Star Trek have been absorbed into popular culture, but you still need to be a committed genre fan to follow the Doctor's adventures.
I suppose that these are the challenges that are intended to test that commitment - so be it, then. All I have to say is that there had better be some damn good episodes next year.
- Sid
* There at least will be a 2016 Christmas episode of Doctor Who, so things haven't gone completely off the rails.

When Jody was small Doctor Who and Red Dwarf were my Saturday nights.
ReplyDeleteAnd, if I was lucky Blake's 7. Although I had trouble following the story line.
We didn't always get them in order.