Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sentimental Concrete Robot and Other Toronto Vignettes

As per my birthday posting, I'm currently in Toronto as part of a one-week vacation trip to Ontario. Following are a few quick outtakes from the trip so far.

Good advice, but unexpected.

Really not the kind of thing that I was expecting to see for sale in Yorkville.

The alien invaders were quick to adapt their buildings to ours.

I'm not going to claim that the original Royal Ontario Museum is an example of classical architectural excellence, but seriously, these two styles do NOT work together.  In fact, if you told me this was the result of alien spores rather than deliberate planning, I might well believe you.

Abandoned Raygun, Rockwood Conservation Centre.


Whenever I visit Colin, he always takes me to the Pickering Flea Market - I'm not sure why, there's only so much shopping I can do when I'm travelling with carry-on - but this time there was an unexpected bonus.  The Market has added an Antiques section, where I was surprised to find some copies of Galaxy magazine from the 50s for a mere $3.50 each.  They're not in mint condition, the spines are a bit beaten up, but I know a lot of people of similar vintage who also have back problems.

Not a bad name for a band - okay, maybe an 80s band.

And, in conclusion - sentimental concrete robot, as per the posting title.
- Sid


  1. Well back problems not as bad as the purple creature in the background I take it....


  2. Thereby answering the question, "Does anyone actually look at the pictures?"

    - Sid
