Sunday, August 12, 2012

Have Space Suit - Will Travel.

Well, I might as well just come out with it - I'm thinking about building a space suit for Hallowe'en this year.

The company that I work at places a large amount of importance on employee involvement in shared social activities (to the point that we have an Employee Engagement manager) and for the last couple of years, I've maintained my standing by showing up on October 31st in some form of costume.  Two years ago it was my infamous zombie outfit, and last year I took the easy way out and wandered around in a life-sized version of my port pass badge - with my actual face in the space for the ID photo.

Having won the Best Costume prize both years, I was thinking that I might legitimately skip a year in the interests of letting someone else take the prize, but I stumbled across a site that was selling transparent acrylic domes, and I got to thinking...

After all, take a look at the various spacesuits in movies and TV shows (and at NASA) and you'll immediately see that an awful lot of them rely primarily on a padded coverall and a helmet, plus whatever amount of greeblie dressing the designers felt like sticking on.  How hard could it be?


And now I've been foolish enough to put it in writing...wish me luck.
- Sid

1 comment:

  1. How funny! I did a blog posting earlier today (before reading this most recent one of yours) and the title of my posting runs along similar lines!

    This costume I gotta see. But you already know what I plan to be this year: my alter ego! Every work email I send out has a little Smith blurb at the bottom, advising people to train like a **** and never stop learning.
