Friday, May 25, 2012

Towel Day!

Good morning, everyone!  Do we all have a nice towel picked out to carry around today?  If you're looking for a local celebratory event, as always please visit for an international listing of Towel Day celebrations.

It's interesting that there are any number of geek days that have broken the dam into popular awareness.  There's Pi Day (March 14), Star Wars Day (May 4), Towel Day (May 25) - which is apparently also Geek Pride Day, who knew - and Talk Like A Pirate Day (September 19).

And, of course - Felicia Day:

Have a good day, hoopy froods.
- Sid

Update:  no other visible towels on the bus, sad that the faithful are so few.  However, two of my co-workers are also aware of Towel Day, which didn't make the process of explaining it any simpler, but did allow us to split it up rather than just me dealing with it on my own.


  1. No one at MY workplace wished me Happy Towel Day, but there were a LOT of people carrying towels around :-)

  2. Ha - as with Hallowe'en, there are some people for whom every day is Towel Day.
    - Sid
