Thursday, February 11, 2010

But did they find Nigel the Cat's Facebook page?

What was the name of your friend again, the one you met at Ryerson, the guy in front of the big tire?
- Brenda Allen, BCMEA
 I've just come back from a job interview, and to my surprise (and initial horror) I discovered that at least one of the three interviewers had read a goodly portion of this blog, and asked me questions about some of the postings. 

Now, to be honest, I haven't given a lot of thought to the fact that this blog is a public document.  About a year or so in, I put it under my full name because I wanted to point a prospective employer at it for writing samples (and didn't get the job, either because of or in spite of the blog) and never bothered to delete my last name.  I've actually derived a certain satisfaction from finding the blog when I google my name, but it's never occurred to me that someone else might do a search for my name and end up here.

Having recovered from the experience, I think that I'm going to leave my full name on the site regardless.  I can think of worse introductions to my personal life, and I take pride in some of the postings that I've done, there are three or four of them that are not bad at all. 

The final joke, as I save this as a draft, is that because I obviously need to treat the blog as being accessible to everyone, this posting will never see the light of day unless I get the job.  Terrible thing if my current manager stumbled across this and read that I'd been at a job interview.
- Sid

P.S. Are we all doing the math on this?


  1. congrats! where are you working now? Dorothy

  2. btw did any body at Spice know about this blog? just curious, I thought most of them had trouble with English Dorothy

  3. I have been hired as a Publications Specialist at the BC Maritime Employers Association, conveniently located just past Gastown in Vancouver. The job comes with a substantial pay hike and many benefits.

    The second-in-command at SpiceBox has visited the blog and grew up in Canada, so his English is more than adequate. Apparently he used to be a comics fan, but had never heard of Green Arrow, so I sent him the link for my Green Arrow posting.

    - Sid

  4. That's grand! When does your new job start? Definitely an easier commute, and chances are you'll have fewer "poor communication" issues with your coworkers. Ha, just don't get caught up in any politics relating to whose responsibility it is to take care of the staff fridge.....
