Thursday, March 8, 2007

Since when?

I was just reading Bruce Sterling's Heavy Weather and near the end there's a little expository section when a woman running a net-based correlation service/Delphic oracle asks the stormchasers for their opinions:
"My question is: When do you think the human race conclusively lost control over its own destiny?"
Answers range from Columbus to the French Revolution, and from 1914 to 1968. MY first thought was "Around the point where we started using sharp sticks to dig out grubs, probably." My second thought was, "Wait, when did we have control?" Looking at the great waves of change in our development as a species, the great events of history, NONE of them have been changes that we have decided upon as a species. It's always been my contention that when the aliens finally get here (my apologies to the flying saucer crowd, but I don't think that they've been here yet), they're going to look around and say, "What, could you people not agree on anything?"

It's a very science fiction concept to think in terms of humanity as a species, as a group which might actually have some kind of unified goal. Right now we show perilously little sign of anything close to that, and I have to wonder if we will manage to stumble through all of the problems that we've created for ourselves until we get to a point where we're all working together. (Apparently one of the attractions of Star Trek in its various incarnations is that it suggests a future in which we act as a species, ignoring the minor divisions of race, creed and nation.)

And even then, who knows? One envisions the dinosaurs complacently affixing their claw prints to some kind of planetary accord for lizards, right before the comet comes screaming into the atmosphere...
- Sid

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