Thursday, August 20, 2009

But they're experts on Tintin.

>> By the way, do you know who Mothra is? <<
You mean the giant moth or is there another one I should be aware of?

Colin Campbell (very nearly half of the Campbell Brothers)
The poll is over, and the results indicate that only members of Laurie's family are unaware of Mothra. However, hardly anyone knows about Ghidrah, the three-headed dragon, and only three of us have to worry about getting Rodan (the giant pteranodon) mixed up with Perry Rhodan.
- Sid

(Okay, I admit it, I only did this post because I found a really great quality Mothra poster JPEG online and couldn't bear not to use it for something. Now to sit back and wait for questions about Perry Rhodan...)


  1. Ok, I'll bite. Who's Perry Rhodan?

  2. Sorry for the delay, Zach, I had to do some research to fully answer the Perry Rhodan question:

    - Sid
