Thursday, October 23, 2014

28 Days Later.

It still amazes me that a few random conversations could somehow combine with a handful of superheroes that I made up in grade school to create a novel in just a few months.  Let alone a novel someone else would want to read.
Peter Clines
Thanks to a superb group of friends, I'm just now wrapping up my birthday from last month with a final selection of gifts.  (Unwrapping might be a more appropriate verb, now that I think about it.)

When I visited Ontario, my friend Colin wisely presented me with a Chapters/Indigo gift card, which cleverly balances out my love of books with the difficulties of trying to buy me something that I don't already own (and might want to read.) Ill health and a busy schedule (a terrible combination, by the way) kept me from using the card until just last week, when I was finally able to dedicate some time to making a suitable selection of reading material.

Unfortunately, I find the Chapters/Indigo™ web site to be difficult to browse*, so I've adopted the odd technique of actually going to one of their physical stores, looking at the shelves, and e-mailing myself a shopping list for online purchasing.  This isn't as counter-intuitive as it sounds, purchasing online saved me about 20% right across the board. It also balances out the limitations of physical inventory, only two of my choices were available in the store, but looking at the shelves providing me with useful ideas for online searching.

The package from Indigo™ arrived at work today, containing the following selection of science fiction and fantasy novels:
  • Ex-Heroes, by Peter Clines
  • The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman
  • Great North Road, by Peter F. Hamilton
  • The Lies of Locke Lamora, by Scott Lynch
I've actually already read Ex-Heroes in bootlegged digital format, and enjoyed it enough that I wanted to back it up with paper, so to speak.  Peter Clines' four book Ex-Heroes series sounds like a catalogue of clichés when it's reduced to its basic elements of superheroes versus zombies, but I've been impressed by the skill and believability with which Clines creates his post-apocalyptic world and the heroes and villains that inhabit it.

For the most part, his superheroes occupy the usual slots:  Saint George, aka the Mighty Dragon, is super strong and invulnerable, Stealth is a obsessive humourless black-clad crime fighter in the style of Batman, Cerberus is a robotic battlesuit operated by the scientist who created it, and so on.  However, Clines brings his characters to life - ironically, in a struggle to protect the last survivors of Los Angeles from the undead.

As an example, Saint George (George Bailey in civilian life) is everything that a hero should be - honourable, honest, fair, and brave - but he never comes across as flat or predictable, but rather as a decent guy who has been given the gift of superpowers and who feels that it is his duty to use them to make people's lives better, no matter what happens.** 

I freely admit that the series doesn't offer any great truths or startling insights, but if you're looking for a solidly written, entertaining and enjoyable reading experience, I strongly recommend the Ex-Heroes.

Neil Gaiman is an obvious choice - has Neil Gaiman ever written a bad book? I think that the worst thing you can manage to say about Neil Gaiman is that some of his writing is not as good as the rest:  there's variation even in excellence. That being said, reviews suggest that The Ocean at the End of the Lane may be one of the better examples of his work, and I look forward to reading it.

I've mentioned Peter F. Hamilton and his Reality Dysfunction series here previously - I can only describe Hamilton's talent as astonishing.  His futures are incredibly rich and detailed, filled with an astounding range of technologies, locations, characters and situations, and his story lines are epic.  Great North Road combines all of that with a murder mystery - and a detective named Sidney, it's rare for me to get that sort of opportunity to identify with a character.

It's far too easy to get into a rut when buying books, so I always try to throw in a wild card.  This time it's The Lies of Locke Lamora, the first in a series of fantasy novels about Locke Lamora, the Thorn of Camorr - confidence man, trickster and thief.  I was intrigued by the concept, we'll see if it lives up to its back-cover advertising.  Thanks for the opportunity, Colin.

I can't finish this posting without thanking my friend Chris for the final item on my birthday list, a TARDIS USB hub, which flashes its roof light and emits the characteristic sounds of phasing in from time travel whenever a device is plugged in.  And it's LOUD - no wonder people seem to be able to hear it from so far away on the show!  Thanks again, Chris - there may well be a video follow up to this posting so you can see - and hear - what it's like in action.
- Sid

*Okay, is there anyone - ANYONE - reading this who shelves their books alphabetically by title?  In their physical stores, Chapters™ displays their books by author, which is pretty much how every bookstore I've ever visited does it.  However, the Chapters™ web site does not offer A-Z By Author as a viewing option - how hard would that be to program, for heaven's sake?

** George is also a Doctor Who fan, which obviously goes a long way with me.  To be more accurate, he views the Doctor as a role model:  "He was just a really smart guy who always tried to do the right thing.  To help people, no matter what."

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Queen of Engines.

"That Enchantress who has thrown her magical spell around the most abstract of Sciences and has grasped it with a force which few masculine intellects could have exerted over it."
Ada Lovelace as described by Charles Babbage.
October 14th is one of the less known holidays on the geek calendar, but nonetheless an important one. Today is Ada Lovelace Day, a celebration of the accomplishments of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. 

For readers unfamiliar with Ada King, Lady Lovelace, she is a pivotal figure in the history of computing, working closely with Charles Babbage, the creator of a steampunk gear-driven calculating machine that he called the Difference Engine*. Lovelace's speculations as to the potential of Babbage's proposed next-gen Analytical Engine, published in 1842, predict the eventual development of hardware able to solve a wide variety of mathematical problems, and her notes regarding the manner in which the Engine could calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers are widely considered to be the first computer program in history.

Although I completely agree with the adoption of Lady Lovelace as the symbol of women in science, why not celebrate the more visionary arts as well? Let's acknowledge the woman who occupies the same position in the pantheon of science fiction authors that Ms. Lovelace holds in the programming world, the woman who invented Frankenstein's monster, the woman who wrote the first eponymous post-apocalyptic Last Man novel in 1826?  Next year, let's see if we can't get Mary Shelley Day onto the calendar as well.
- Sid

* Astute readers will recognize this term in the title of one of my birthday gifts - a book in which an alternate history Lady Lovelace makes an appearance.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Remember, drink responsibly!

After a couple of pints, Sid starts flashing his TARDIS in the bar.
- Sid

UPDATE: As it turns out, my sister's question below about the ghost at the Inn on the Falls is not entirely correct.  Apparently there is a total of three ghosts on site, not one.  Now, as I've previously commented, I'm a bit of a sceptic when it comes to this sort of supernatural phenomenon, but it's an interesting coincidence that out of all the places we could have stayed in Muskoka, we ended up at the haunted inn.