Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Cause I Ain't no Hologram Girl…"

There has to be something in marketing DNA that makes them willing to explore any avenue, no matter how bizarre it may appear, in the interests of making a buck off some previously unexplored segment of the public.  (The first time that I really became aware of this was when I stumbled across a reference to the Hello Kitty* vibrator.)

The most recent - and more family-friendly - entry in this category comes to us courtesy of the good people over at Lucasfilm in co-operation with Microsoft, a combination which right off the bat makes me a little nervous.

And justifiably so, as it turns out. Lightsaber combat is an obvious candidate for the new Microsoft Kinect gaming system, although my first impulse would be to make damn sure that all the fragile vases and lamps were as far as possible from the Xbox.  But why stop there?  What about all the people who would rather solve their conflicts in a more, I don't know, musical manner?

And so, I give you the Kinect Star Wars Dance Mode, complete with moves like the Chewie Hug, the Speeder, the Force Push, the Trash Compacter, and the Mind Trick.  Yes, you too can compete as Han Solo, Darth Vader, Princess Leia or Emperor Palpatine in an epic dance-off that will settle the fate of the galaxy!!!!

Or not.  Frankly, in retrospect the whole thing makes me feel a lot more charitable towards Jar Jar Binks.
- Sid
*  Or Hello Klitty, as I tend to think of it.

Damn, there goes my carefully maintained PG rating...

Admittedly only for geeks, but still.

Felicia Day is a GODDESS.
- Sid