Thursday, May 18, 2023

I, robot.

Yesterday I failed the I'm not a robot test on my iPad.

No matter what I did, it refused to accept my tapping finger to check the box in the window, but, inexplicably, Karli was able to complete for me without any problems.  And then she gave me a long, thoughtful look...

- Sid


Thursday, April 20, 2023

AKA "Exploded".

"Rapid unscheduled disassembly" - if they weren't talking about the destruction of a $90M USD rocket, that would actually be a pretty funny way of saying that it blew up.

(Which looked like this:)

The SpaceX team considers the launch to be a success, and I can understand their position.  These are unmanned test flights, and as such having the launch vehicle explode (or rapidly disassemble, if you prefer) provides them with crucial information about their design and how it operates in practice - that's what testing is all about.

However, at $100M+ for the combination of rocket and launch, it's a bit of an expensive hobby.  Let's hope that Elon Musk is prepared to stay the course in order to ensure that future rockets don't disassemble when there's a crew on board.

- Sid

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Putting the "fun" in Dysfunctional?


I am pleased to announce that, following a return visit to the Geek Test, I have leveled up.

My new score took me from being a Major Geek (with a score of greater than or equal to 35%)  to a Super Geek - greater than or equal to 45%.*

These may not seem like high scores, but given that the top score that can be achieved on the test is Dysfunctional Geek, with a score of  ≥75% I can only imagine what a full 100% score would look like - Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory, perhaps.  And, let's be honest, as well crafted a character as he is, Sheldon would probably have a very short career in the real world.

- Sid

* If you're curious as to how I had increased my score, upgraded responses including naming a pet after a literary character - don't forget, Jack the Cat's full name is Jaqen H'ghar - and indexing a personal collection, among others.