It pleases me beyond words to discover that this is what my grand-nephews in Ontario wait for their schoolbus in.
- Sid
Comments and observations on science fiction and fantasy.
It pleases me beyond words to discover that this is what my grand-nephews in Ontario wait for their schoolbus in.
- Sid
I recently installed Fallout: New Vegas on the PC that I use for older games after realizing that, given its October 2010 release date, it qualifies as an older game now - how time flies. The game's age was driven home sharply when I began the Things That Go Boom quest, which involves dealing with a xenophobic conservative tribal group located at Nellis Air Force Base and armed with heavy artillery: the Boomers, a phrase which has acquired unexpected meaning since the game's debut.
The accidental joke is that, in the context of the game, the Boomers are sort of, well, Boomers: their lives are based on an obsolete and outdated standard, they're gun nuts, and some of them haven't left their insular enclave for over 50 years.
- Sid
Courtesy of The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom). It's a bit challenging to reconcile this jolly figure with the entity from our last vacation...
- Sid
"Revolution is everywhere, in everything. It is infinite. There is no final revolution, no final number.
- Yevgeny Zamyatin