Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"My god, it's full of stars..."

I took a picture of Jaq the Cat by the light of my iMac screen on Sunday morning, and something about the way it lit up his furry little face reminded me of David Bowman's enigmatic final words from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Coincidentally, Canadian actor Douglas Rain, who so perfectly provided the voice of the HAL 9000 computer in both 2001 and its undervalued sequel, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, passed away on Remembrance Day this past weekend at the age of 90.  It must be interesting for an actor to be best known for a role in which his character doesn't even have a face, let alone having his own face be seen.
- Sid

Sunday, November 11, 2018

lower case titling can be a thing if you want.

And now, a quick op ed piece from Chris: friend, old school World of Warcraft participant, zombie critic, and apparent fan of lower case titling:

the zombie apocalypse is making progress on all fronts

It has come to my attention that zombies are making inroads into World War One and Two across different media:

1. Video games:

Pretty much everything goes in video games and this is better than any GTA version in terms of social message. This might be cool.

2. Board Games:


I remember playing the original version in high school so this is a bit of sacrilege. Granted Axis and Allies was a broad brush stroke game with dice being the main driver rather than strategy but still...

3. Movies:

I think this is especially poor taste for this zombie version of D-Day coming out so close to Remembrance Day. Imagine some poor nonagenarian going to see this not really reading the fine print...*

Something must be done about this zombie plague!

In other news, Blizzard™ killed Diablo by stopping development on the PC and only continuing it on smart phones. The auditorium at Blizzcon was underwhelmed to say the least....

- Chris

* This is quite a valid point, you'd never know if you just went by the title - Operation Overlord was the Allied code name for the plan to retake France during World War II.

 - Sid

Geekmas 2018: State of Contentment.
Well, it's finally happened: I have everything I need.

Okay, maybe not everything, but when I sat down to do this year's Geekmas gift suggestions, I found myself unexpectedly at a loss. I have a ridiculous backlog of unread books, I'm a bit gamed out at the moment after spending a LOT of Wasteland time in Fallout 4 over the last year, I'm well stocked in terms of geek t-shirts, my toy shelf is full, I'm good for physical media - what's a contented geek to do?

Regardless of my state of satisfaction, my workplace Secret Santa draw is on the horizon, not to mention people who know me personally who will be Christmas shopping, so I feel obliged to offer some kind of guidance. Let's see what the marketplace holds...

Regardless of the state of my unread book inventory, there are still a couple of things that I'd like to add to the stack, starting with The Fifth Season, the first book in N.K. Jemisin's award winning The Broken Earth trilogy. (If you're feeling spendy, all three, but™ shows them at a somewhat pricey twenty-two dollars each - trade paperbacks, I assume.   After her epic awards speech at this year's Hugos, I'm more than a little curious to read some of her work.

Luna: Wolf Moon, by Ian McDonald, is actually a sequel request in more ways than one: tt's the follow-up to the excellent Luna: New Moon which I requested - and received - a couple of years back. There's a third book coming (there's a longer conversation we can have about the odd prevalence of trilogies in science fiction) but it's not out until March of 2019, so we can save that one for next year.

Not meaning to be a nag, but Red Seas Under Red Skies, by Scott Lynch, and The Murders of Molly Southbourne, by Tade Thompson are still left on the list from last year.  And there's still that William Gibson book that isn't even supposed to released until December 25th this year...


Let's see...there's a new Lovecraft-themed computer game out, Call of Cthulhu from Cyanide Studios, but the reviews have been pretty uniformly unfavourable.*  It's also not available on PC yet as far as I know, which takes it right off the list - sorry, not a console gamer.  I have much higher hopes for Frogwares' The Sinking City, scheduled to hit digital shelves in March of 2019 - it certainly has a much cooler trailer. It's apparently more of an open-world concept game that Call of Cthulhu, which critics describe as being more like the Chaosium™ tabletop RPG that inspired it - perhaps a little too much like it, based on the reviews.

None of which helps for Christmas 2018, unfortunately.  In anticipation of future purchases, perhaps a gift card for the Steam™ game distribution platform is the route to take for this category, although it looks like Steam™ wants you to set up an account before you can give someone a digital gift, which feels like a lot to ask - although it does go directly to the recipient's account, which is handy. The Steam website claims that Shopper's Drug Mart has physical gift cards, but the SDM web site only shows $50 options.  If that's a bit more than you wanted to spend, the easiest solution may be to just give me some cash with a little note that says BUY A GAME FROM STEAM WITH THIS.

Graphic Novels** - The Infinity Gauntlet, Wolverine: Old Man Logan, Civil War, Jack Kirby's O.M.A.C.: One Man Army Corps, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Dark Nights: Metal: Dark Knights Rising, Hellboy Omnibus Volume 1: Seed of Destruction.

(Drops mike, leaves stage.)

Okay, fine, blu-rays, because they're relatively quick and easy, and generally not too pricey: Ant-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, the original Westworld, the 1982 cult classic The Sword and the Sorcerer (if you can find it), 12 Monkeys, or The Time Bandits.

For something local, The Storm Crow*** must have some kind of merch: hats, socks, mugs, t-shirts, something - XL for both of those last two, please, I like large cups of tea and loose t-shirts.  They don't mention it on their web site, but they may sell something over the counter at one of the two Vancouver locations: 1619 Broadway or 1305 Commercial Drive. (This is speculation, by the way, please don't send me angry comments complaining that I sent you on a wild goose chase - although they are fun places to visit.)
Finally, if all else fails, surprise me!  I usually don't recommend that as an option, especially for books, but people have managed to successfully purchase me geek gifts that didn't appear on my wish list in the past.

 As a guideline, I'm pretty old school in my fandom. I tend to take this all pretty seriously, and I lean toward canon, so no "Come to the dark side, we have cookies" t-shirts, not my gig. Think classic - or even vintage. Caveats: as much as I'd love some classic SF movie posters, I have no wall space for the things that I already have, so maybe skip anything in that category.

Good luck!
- Sid

* What I really want is the fascinating 2005 game Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners Of The Earth, which I played most of in a bootleg version many years ago but never finished - mostly because I didn't have any instructions on how the controls worked. (A little research reveals that an Amazon™ vendor would be happy to sell me the original game for $379.33. A little MORE research reveals that it's available on the Steam™ gaming store for $6.50 CAD - okay, never mind, I'll just download that sometime this weekend. Welp, so much for being gamed out...)

** Or, locally, on the second floor of Chapters Indigo at Broadway and Granville,  Golden Age Collectibles downtown on Granville, or The Comicshop on 4th Avenue in Kits - but that would have messed with my flow.

*** I see that they've opened a Storm Crow on Church Street in Toronto, the Storm Crow Manor.  My sincere congratulations to the owners - New York, you're next.