Sunday, January 21, 2018

Seriously, can you imagine?

"Aliens, I would be, like, the best person ever with the aliens, unless they were illegal
aliens from Mexico, or Haitians..."
  - Sid

(I generally don't just repost things from the internet, but, again, seriously, how in the world would this scenario play out?)

Credit to: The Gentleman's Armchair.

Or Vanilla Coke and Barbecue Lays.



As we get into the dark and the wet that characterizes winter in British Columbia, after a challenging year of work, with another challenging year looming in the future, there are days when I just want to stay home, drink tea, eat cookies, and read comic books.

  - Sid

"Begun the Clone War has."


Most people have the misconception that cloning produces an exact copy
of a person, when in reality, Original Taylor couldn't stand hockey.
  - Sid

P.S. Seriously, though, this is one of the great pop culture scientific misunderstandings. Unless you have technology to record and rewrite someone's consciousness and memories, all you get a new person who looks the same. In fact, without some careful DNA manipulation, you don't even get a close match - which is why siblings who share a common genetic source don't look exactly the same.