Photo courtesy of MasterClass |
Through the combination of a real sense of purpose and an enormous amount of work on behalf of a lot of people, we can make impossible things happen.
Chris Hadfield, Masterclass
Dear Colin:
Hello again! Sorry to hear about your cold - I hope that you can take some time off over the holidays to recover. Also sorry to hear about the Ralph and wine disaster, which, somehow, sounds like another typical episode from the
Campbell Brothers Chronicles.
It's been a few months since
my thank-you note regarding your birthday gift, so I thought I should take a few minutes to bring you up to speed on progress.
I'm a little behind on the schedule that I laid out at the time, but, as John Lennon points out, life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. I strongly needed a break from scholastic activity after my online safety course*, and as such didn't sign up for the
Chris Hadfield Masterclass on Space Exploration until just Thursday of this last week. However, I'm now part of Commander Hadfield's virtual classroom, and I have to say that I have absolutely no regrets about my purchase.
The course is made up of just over seven and a half hours of video**, a downloadable 97 page PDF workbook which also links the student to a wide variety of pertinent content, an online discussion group, and an Office Hours module for submitting questions to the Commander.
(And, to be honest, it's the last two that really make the investment worthwhile - I'm more than confident that a quick search through the shadier parts of the Internet would have revealed an archive containing downloadable copies of both the videos and the workbook.)
I'm quite impressed by both the quality and the quantity of the course material, and as you know, I set high standards for this sort of thing. The production values for the videos are superb, and with over seven and a half hours of content, I'm looking forward to hearing the Commander's experienced and anecdotal viewpoint on being an astronaut and space exploration in general. At this point in his career, Hadfield is a seasoned professional speaker,
and his manner in front of the camera is natural and sincere - he's the perfect instructor for a course like this.
The accompanying workbook is well laid out, and the photos are an excellent bonus. I don't think that any of the linked content is unique to the course, but the manner in which it's tied into the lesson structure gives it more relevancy than it would have as the results of a random Web search.
It's obvious that I'm not going to walk away from the last lesson and expect that NASA will add me to the next mission to the ISS, but I don't think anyone would expect that - the course is intended to offer some privileged insight into the process from the viewpoint of someone with a lot of experience from a wide variety of involvement, and as such, it's exactly what it should be.
In the case of my planned swordplay class at Vancouver's
Academie Duello, procrastination actually ended up working well for me. The centre is having a Christmas sale on their classes, and I was able to purchase a gift coupon for a
Longsword Fundamentals course that brought the normal $135 fee down to $99 plus tax. As you know, I was originally going to sign up for a January course, but the last couple of months have not been terribly cooperative in terms of gym attendance, so my new plan is to take January for a month of preparatory workouts, and then switch to longsword in February.
And that's the news, my friend. Take care of yourself, and happy holidays to you and Jennifer!
- Sid
* Just for the record, I managed an A, with an average mark of 92%. I might have done better if it hadn't had so much overlap with
my honeymoon.
** A total which I added up on my own for 29 videos ranging in length from just under three minutes to almost 30 - and honestly, base 60 math is a nuisance.