Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Eat, drink and be married.

I'm sorry, I've got nothing.

In spite of more than a few jokes, there was not a word of Klingon at our wedding ceremony on the 18th.  No one showed up in Jedi robes, regardless of my suggestion to Karli that, when asked about dress code, we should tell just one person that the wedding had a Star Wars theme.  My friend Chris took a long shot at connecting the number of attendees with the total number of rings in the poem from The Lord of the Rings (Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky...) - sorry, 21 wedding guests, 20 rings. Our officiant's name, Kadee Wirick Smedley, would be completely acceptable for a faculty member at Hogwarts, but her degree is in Divinity rather than Defence Against the Dark Arts. In other words, to the best of my knowledge, there was not a single element of either the service or the reception that in any way involved science fiction or fantasy, although it was very definitely a magical day for both of us - as are all of the days that I share with Karli.
- Sid

I'd like to thank Karli's parents and step-parents for all of their help and support throughout the wedding process, from helping us select our venue up to delivering the cake, and for their incredible generosity in helping us out financially.  I'd also like to thank all of the friends and relatives who attended the wedding ceremony for sharing a very special event with us - your love and support was very much a part of what made it so special.  And to all of the people who attended our reception/party, thank you for helping us celebrate being married, and for your equally incredible generosity.  My sole regret from my wedding day is that I didn't talk to enough people at the party, I hope that no one was offended by that.

And, finally, I have to express my thanks to Karli for marrying me.  As I said in my vows, I have never been happier in my life, and I owe all my happiness to her.

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