Monday, September 13, 2010

"My name is Newt - nobody calls me Rebecca."

"They mostly come at night...mostly."
Newt, Aliens
"Acting just wasn't me."
Carrie Henn
To my mild disappointment, we do not have a winner in the Guess who this is! contest, but I'd like to thank everyone for playing.

The identity of the lady in question?  It's Carrie Henn, who played the part of Rebecca "Newt" Jorden in Aliens.  Apparently Ms. Henn's brush with fame left her unmoved, and she went on to become a schoolteacher in California.  (Remember, I said that she was an "amphibian" actress?  Newt, amphibian...boy, tough crowd tonight.)
- Sid


  1. Well she definitely was a cute kid. Sad how she didn't attempt to maintain some of her cuteness as she got older.

  2. Boy, it really IS a tough crowd...

    - Sid

  3. I think she looks fine!


  4. got quite a few lbs too much but that can be worked on =P
    (and if only with photoshop. hawr hawr hawr)

  5. I bet she'd have no problem filling out a medium (or even a large) sized LipoContour girdle.
