Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Antici.....(say it).....pation.

Boxing Day in Vancouver - well, everywhere, I suppose, although I'm not certain of the internationality of the concept - and I'm sitting here at the computer watching BitTorrent struggle with three different downloads of the 2007 Doctor Who Christmas Special, guest starring Kylie Minogue. In theory, at least one of them will be finished by lunch...perhaps leftover turkey and David Tennant? 

- Sid

Postscript: Lunch was in fact spent watching the Christmas Special. Not a great episode when compared to some previous scripts, although Kylie did a reasonably good job and was an acceptable romantic interest for the episode. Considering that the entire episode took place on a ship called the Titanic, it was really more of an homage to The Poseidon Adventure.


  1. First, and not really wanting to pack my nit picking gear but... I must comment here that the story took place mainly on the ship yes, but there were jaunts from the boat (or ship) down to the planet as well. I think that's where we ended up too. Is that right or have I confused it with some other Whosian episode?

    And yes, Kylie did a good job as the romantic interest and her image did not strain the eyes. I had never heard of the young woman before then (and I'm still not sure what I think I know about her now except to say that I believe she is famed, notibly in the popular musical field), but then again I'm sure that she's never heard of me either, or is likely to.

  2. Ah, but let us not forget the intrinsic democracy of the internet! If Ms. Minogue has the digital equivalent of a clipping service, she might well be reading your comments about her level of fame even as I type this...
